Als vereniging voor vogels & bijzondere dieren zijn ons gedurende de afgelopen jaren verschillende keren allerlei boeken over geneeskunde bij bijzondere dieren gedoneerd. Om deze niet in de kast te laten vergaan lenen we deze uit aan onze leden, gratis en voor niets! In de Archaeopteryxkast in de hal staan de boeken. Je kunt aan een bestuurslid vragen of je een boek mag lenen, waarna je wordt genoteerd. Het boek kun je dan 2 weken houden, maar je mag iets natuurlijk altijd opnieuw lenen als je er nog niet klaar mee bent! Kleine disclaimer: niet elk boek is even up-to-date.
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Archaeopteryx Veterinaris (AV)
De Archaeopteryx Veterinaris (AV) is ons semi-wetenschappelijke tijdschrift dat vijf keer per jaar wordt uitgebracht. De AV staat vol met artikelen die zijn geschreven door onze actieve werkgroepleden. Naast wetenschappelijke artikelen zijn er ook verslagen te vinden van de afgelopen activiteiten. Denk dan bijvoorbeeld aan een fotoverslag van een excursie. Daarnaast staat het nog boordevol met leuke en interessante weetjes, recepten, vacatures en nog veel meer!
De volgende uitgaven zijn beschikbaar in de bibliotheek. Klik om de uitgave om de artikeltitels van die AV te bekijken.
Jaargang 22
Jaargang 25
Jaargang 26
Jaargang 27​
Jaargang 28​
Jaargang 29
Jaargang 30​
Jaargang 31​​

Diergeneeskundig Memorandum: Bijzondere Gezelschapsdieren
Dit handige in het Nederlands geschreven naslagwerk staat vol met handige en praktische informatie over de huisvesting, voeding en diergeneeskunde van vogels, reptielen en knaagdieren.

Exotic Animals: A Veterinary Handbook
There are complete articles on ferrets, chinchillas, rats, mice, rabbits, hamsters, the Golden Hamster, the Mongolian gerbil, potbellied and miniature pigs, ostrich, llamas, caged and wild birds including pheasants, reptiles, iguanas, fish, sea turtles, and sea otters, and general articles on parasitolgy, physical restraint, and other aspects of exotic care. Each article is packed with valuable information that has been researched and has scientific basis. The information is easy to read and understand and is suited for the pet owner, but also included is information on the correct restraint, formulation of food, medications, health issues, diseases, and other veterinary aspects.

Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice
Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice offers you the most current information on exotic animal treatment, updates you on the latest advances, and provides a sound basis for choosing treatment options. Each issue (January, May, and September) focuses on a single topic in exotic animal practice and is presented under the direction of an experienced editor. Topics include anesthesia/analgesia, infectious diseases, therapeutics, emergency medicine, surgery, gastroenterology, and clinical pathology.
Archaeopteryx bezit de volgende uitgaven:
Exotic Pet management for the technician
Internal medicine
Oral biology, dental and beak disorders
Reproductibe medicine
Fungal diseases
Analgesia and anesthesia
Clinical pathology and sample collection
Respiratory medicine
Critical care
Physical examination and preventive medicine
Case reports: the front line in exotic medicine

Animal Behavior
Animal Behavior looks at the fascinating activities of animals as they progress from birth to maturity-how they attract a mate and care for their young, find shelter and food, defend themselves, navigate sometimes vast distances and survive the many challenges of life.
Written by a team of international experts, this beautiful book is full of examples drawn from the activities of all types of animals-mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, and insects. The relationships animals have with other animals-those on whom they depend, those whom they must repel-are a major element in their activities. More than a source of beauty and wonder, animals’ behavior is important to the earth’s ecological balance, and thus a key to the vitality of the planet.

Atlas of Clinical Fungi
It illustrates the diversity of fungal agents and provides ample molecular data for the majority of clinically relevant fungi. In addition, antifungal susceptibility data is given for most species, providing essential knowledge for the clinician in view of adequate therapy.
Numerous emerging opportunistic species are covered including recently described agents of brain infection such as Ramichloridium mackenziei and Cladophialophora modesta, as well as several Trichoderma species. Molecular data include rDNA SSU restriction maps for genera and rDNA ITS restriction maps for species. Phylogenetic overviews of the fungal Kingdom in general, and many important groups in detail, are also provided.

Biology: The Network of Life
This text is designed to convey the fundamental knowledge of the major principles, concepts and ideas of modern biology. New to this edition are start-of-chapter questions introducing subject areas; a chapter on energy transformation in cells; and expanded coverage of human body and plant systems.
Integrated principles of zoology
Emphasizing the central role of evolution in generating diversity, this best-selling text describes animal life and the fascinating adaptations that enable animals to inhabit so many ecological niches. Featuring high quality illustrations and photographs set within an engaging narrative, Integrated Principles of Zoology is considered the standard by which other texts are measured. With its comprehensive coverage of biological and zoological principles, mechanisms of evolution, diversity, physiology, and ecology, organized into five parts for easy access, this text is suitable for one- or two-semester introductory courses.

Eckert Animal Physiology
Eckert Animal Physiology is the essential text for courses exploring the structure, function and evolution of animals. The new Fourth Edition , revised, redesigned and updated, builds on Roger Eckert's earlier success in establishing this book as a classic. Comparing examples and experimental data across a wide variety of animal groups, the authors emphasize the book's central theme: how the bodies of animals function and how evolution has adapted them to their environment. Clear, balanced and beautifully illustrated, this book sets the standard of excellence in the field. " Animal Physiology develops the major ideas in a simple and direct manner...Examples are selected from a broad spectrum of animal life, ranging from protozoa at one end to our species and other vertebrates at the other end ...the authors have produced a balanced and up-to-date treatment of animal function.

Pathology of Domestic Animals
Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals continues the long tradition of this classic set of volumes as the most comprehensive reference book published on the topic of pathology of the common domestic mammals, with emphasis on disease conditions of cattle and small ruminants, swine, horses, dogs and cats. Using a body systems approach, recognized authorities in their fields provide overviews of general characteristics of the system, reactions to insult, and disease conditions broken down by type of infectious or toxic insult affecting the anatomical subdivisions of each body system.
Archaeopteryx bezit volumes I, II en III.

In its examination of biochemistry, this second edition of the text includes expositions of major research techniques through the "Tools of Biochemistry", and a presentation of concepts through description of the experimental bases for those concepts.

Colour Atlas of Veterinary Pathology of the Alimentary Tract
A pathology atlas focussing on pathological changes within and surrounding the gastrointestinal tract.

Clincial Pathology
"Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine" provides readers with an excellent overview of veterinary clinical pathology. The new edition retains its elegantly simple outline format and section organization (physiology, evaluation methods, disorders, and appropriate clinical cases), enabling readers to quickly identify key words, ideas and information in the text. Each chapter is followed by a current reference list, primarily from referred professional journals.The fourth edition applies a problem-solving approach to interpretation of laboratory data. It covers dogs, cats, horses, domestic ruminants, pigs, and companion birds. It instructs veterinary students and practitioners in the proper interpretation of clinical laboratory data in order to form a list of differential diagnoses or to make a definitive diagnosis. It emphasizes the mechanism or pathophysiology of the various abnormalities rather than specific diseases. It adds and refines case studies to illustrate many of the concepts in interpretation of laboratory data includes excellent high resolution color photomicrographs and easy-to-understand tables and figures.

Ethics on the ARK
Ethics on the Ark presents a passionate, multivocal discussion—among zoo professionals, activists, conservation biologists, and philosophers—about the future of zoos and aquariums, the treatment of animals in captivity, and the question of whether the individual, the species, or the ecosystem is the most important focus in conservation efforts. Contributors represent all sides of the issues. Moving from the fundamental to the practical, from biodiversity to population regulation, from animal research to captive breeding, Ethics on the Ark represents an important gathering of the many fervent and contentious viewpoints shaping the wildlife conservation debate.

Pathways to Pregnancy and Parturition
The goal of this book is to help people understand the science of reproductive physiology, the complexities, relevance and importance to societies around the world.

Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology
The text describes interactions among hormones, brain, and behavior from a historical perspective, emphasizing connections among key theories and tracing the emergence of important hypotheses. The book is organized around the conceptual theme that hormones affect behavior by influencing one or more of three components of behaving animals-input mechanisms (such as sensory or perceptual processes), the central processing mechanisms of the nervous system (either directly, or by affecting its development or structure), and output mechanisms (such as effectors or peripheral structures). Despite increased coverage of molecular and cellular approaches, the book strives for accessibility for non-biological science students.

BSAVA Manual of Exotic Pets
This remains the Foundation Manual for information across the range of exotic pets, from small mammals, through birds, reptiles and amphibians, to invertebrates. Commoner pets, such as rabbits, rodents and budgies retain their place. However, the ever-increasing range of non-traditional pets encountered by the veterinary surgeon in practice is reflected in coverage of some new groups, such as marsupials, ratites and crocodilians.

Laboratory Procedures for Veterinary Technicians
Laboratory procedures are an important part of most veterinary practices, both diagnostically and financially. This highly-popular book covers the broad spectrum of laboratory competencies that technicians need to effectively perform in the practice setting. In step-by-step language, it presents the basics of all laboratory work-ups: microbiology, hematology, urinalysis, immunology, and cytology - providing current information on the most widely-used tests.

Animal Behavior, An Evolutionary Approach
Content includes all aspects of behavior-diversity, genetics, development, nerve cells and behavior, organization, historical pathways of evolution of behavior; evolution of adaptations, communication; adaptations in feeding behavior, coping with predators; finding a place to live; reproduction; ecology; caring for young. Very comprehensive.

Principles of Animal Physiology
From rehab professionals, vet techs, to the layperson interested in animal physiology, this text sets a new standard with foundations in cellular biology, species diversity, and up-to-date research on genetics.

An extensive book on general pathology in medicine.

Dorland’s medical dictionary
A book covering most terms in human medicine. 28th edition.

Geillustreerde Wilde Dieren Encyclopedie
In deze zeer rijk Wilde Dieren encyclopedie vindt u alle informatie die u zoekt over veel van de in het wild voorkomende amfibiën, reptielen, vogels en zoogdieren.
Van alle behandelde dieren worden de grootte, het gebied waarin ze voorkomen en hun voedingsbehoefte behandeld. Aanvullend wordt van veel diersoorten vermeld hoe zij zich voortplanten, wat de verschillen zijn tussen de seksen, wat hun levensverwachting is en wat de relevante karakteristieken van de soort of familie zijn.

Mammalogy, Adaptation, Diversity and Ecology
There are more than 6,400 species in the class Mammalia, including the blue whale-the largest animal that has ever lived-and the pygmy shrew, which weighs little more than a dime. Such diversity among mammals has allowed them to play critical roles in every ecosystem, whether marine, freshwater, alpine, tundra, forest, or desert. Reflecting the expertise and perspective of five leading mammalogists, the fifth edition of Mammalogy: Adaptation, Diversity, Ecology significantly updates taxonomy, adds a new introductory chapter on the science of mammalogy, and highlights several recently described species. To enhance its appeal to students, textual material has been reduced, consolidated, and streamlined without sacrificing breadth or depth of coverage.

Wildlife Ecology and Management
This exceptionally comprehensive, single-source introduction to the art, science, theories, practices, and issues of wildlife management is ideal for the novice in the subject. Features full-chapters on predators, urban wildlife, policy, water, soil, diseases, conservation biology. New, up-to-date issues covered include the removal of dams, global warming, emerging diseases among elk and deer, adaptive harvest management, animal rights groups, women hunters, population data, migratory animals and more. For anyone interested in an exceptionally comprehensive introduction to wildlife management and conservation.

The Great Bear Almanac
The bears of the world, from the polar bear of the Arctic to the grizzlies of Yellowstone and the black bears that roam our eastern woodlands, are among the most studied, and most loved, of all wild creatures.Here in a single volume, The Great Bear Almanac collects what is known about the world's bears, presenting in words and gorgeous photographs, a complete factual compendium of bear knowledge for the amateur naturalist and the bear specialist alike.

New directions in conservation medicine
Although we consider conservation medicine an emerging field, the concept is the result of a long evolution of transdisciplinary thinking within the health and ecological sciences. Conservation medicine studies the ecological context of health and the remediation of ecological health problems. In response to the growing health implications of environmental degradation, conservation medicine examines the linkages among changes in climate, habitat quality, and land use; emergence and re-emergence of infectious agents, parasites, and environmental contaminants; and maintenance of biodiversity and ecosystem functions as they sustain the health of plant and animal communities, including humans. In the last decade, the field has seen remarkable growth and led to countless innovations—the development of non-invasive physiological and behavioral monitoring techniques, the adaptation of modern molecular biomedical techniques, and the design of population level disease monitoring strategies among them. Through detailed case studies and numerous applied examples, New Directions of Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health presents novel tools and institutional initiatives for integrated ecological health assessment. The book challenges the notion that human health is an isolated concern removed from the bounds of ecology and species interactions, arguing that the disciplines of human health, animal health, and ecosystem health are quickly merging and, in the near future, will become inextricably entwined.

Longman World Guide to Mammals
An atlas about mammals of the world, useful for species identification and basic information.

Ecology of Reptiles
A comprehensive book regarding the ecology of reptiles.

Invertebrate Zoology
This best-selling introduction to the biology of invertebrates through a survey by groups emphasizes adaptive morphology and physiology while covering anatomical ground plans and basic developmental patterns. Rich illustrations, systematic resumes, and extensive citations make it a valuable references source.

Turtles of the World
Presented in a logical and systematic order, Turtles of the World discusses each family separately with keys to genera and species. Summarizing the classification of every known turtle species, this volume includes descriptions and illustrations of turtle anatomy, a discussion of turtle origins, as well as karotype, reproductive, and ecological information. The authors pinpoint causes for the decline of turtle populations and offer suggestions to reverse the effects of overcollecting, killing for food, environmental poisoning through insecticides and herbicides, and habitat destruction.

Amphibia-Reptilia is an international, peer-review journal, which publishes high-quality scientific papers, including short-notes and reviews, on most aspects of herpetology: ecology, behaviour, evolution, conservation, physiology, morphology, paleontology, genetics, and systematics.
Archaeopteryx heeft de volgende uitgaven:
Volume 41 No 1 2020
Volume 41 No 2 2020
Volume 41 No 3 2020
Volume 41 No 4 2020
Volume 42 No 3 2021
Volume 42 No 4 2021
Volume 43 No 1 2022
Volume 43 No 2 2022
Volume 43 No 3 2022
African journal of herpetology
African Journal of Herpetology (AJH) serves as an outlet for original research on the biology of African amphibians and reptiles. AJH is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes original articles and reviews from diverse fields and disciplines, such as conservation, phylogenetics, evolution, systematics, performance, physiology, ecology, behavioural ecology, ethology, and morphology.
The Journal publishes two issues a year.
Archaeopteryx heeft de volgende uitgaven:
Volume 69 No 1
Volume 70 No 1
- Volume 70 No 2
- Volume 71 No 1

Ichthyology & Herpetology
Ichthyology & Herpetology is the official publication of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. It has been continually published for over a century (originally as Copeia) and is a highly respected international journal dedicated to the publication of high quality research papers and reviews on the behavior, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, morphology, physiology, systematics, and taxonomy of extant and extinct amphibians, fishes, and reptiles. Ichthyology & Herpetology (formerly Copeia) is available in print (1913–2021), online through the Allen Press Meridian platform and BioOne (2000–current), and online through JSTOR (1913–2017). In addition to research articles, Ichthyology & Herpetology publishes symposium proceedings, book reviews, historical perspectives, scientist spotlights, obituaries, and information relevant to the Society's membership
Archaeopteryx heeft de volgende uitgaven:
Volume 109 No 2
Volume 109 No3

Herpetological Review
Herpetological Review is a peer-reviewed quarterly that publishes, in English, articles and notes concerning the study of amphibians and reptiles, as well as book reviews, commentaries, regional and international herpetological society news, and letters from readers directed to the field of herpetology.
Archaeopteryx heeft de volgende uitgaven:
Volume 51 No 2
Volume 51 No 3
Volume 51 No 4
Volume 52 No 1
Volume 52 No 2
Volume 52 No 3
Volume 52 No 4
Volume 53 No 1

Journal of Herpetology
Journal of Herpetology is an international peer-reviewed, quarterly publication of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles produced continuously since 1968. This journal publishes original taxonomy and hypothesis-driven research on the biology of amphibians and/or reptiles.
Archaeopteryx heeft de volgende uitgaven:
Volume 54 No 2
Reptile Care
In this remarkable reference, the esteemed Dr. Frye (fellow, Royal Society of Medicine, UK) has virtually defined the current state of the science and practice in reptile husbandry and health care from the provision of sensible guidelines for the feeding of reptiles and revealing coverage of their reproductive behavior to the masterful treatment of antibiotic therapy. The main body of the text deals with the recognition and treatment of every disease condition known in reptiles, illustrated by some 1,850 fascinating color photographs. In addition to showing disease-causative organisms and the results produced in the appearance of sick reptiles, a number of the photos clearly illustrate the step-by-step procedures recommended for treatment of specific conditions. The volumes are large and heavy, but without a page of waste. For veterinarians, herpetologists, and students, as well as collectors, breeders, and the interested public.
Archaeopteryx bezit zowel volume I als volume II.

Tropische Siervissen
In Tropische siervissen laat de auteur u kennismaken met de mysteries van de wereld onder water. De laatste decennia is het houden van vissen uit (sub-) tropische gebieden ongekend populair geworden. Wie de bereidheid heeft zich enigszins in de materie te verdiepen, kan zijn eigen 'levende schilderij' creëren. In dit boek wordt u ingewijd in de geheimen van de aanschaf en inrichting van een aquarium. De mooiste en interessantste siervissen (en siervisfamilies) worden uitgebreid besproken aan de hand van prachtige foto's. Iedere liefhebber zal in dit boek een bron van wetenswaardigheden, maar vooral ook inspiratie vinden, die hij toe kan passen in zijn eigen wereld onder water, het aquarium.
The Biology of the Harbour Porpoise
This book covers the biology, anatomy and behaviour of the Harbour Porpoise.

Handboek voor het tropisch zeewateraquarium
De belangstelling voor het tropische zee- wateraquarium is de laatste jaren onder de aquariumliefhebbers sterk toegenomen. Niet ten onrechte wordt dit aquarium- type door velen gezien als het mooiste wat op het gebied van de aquariumlief- hebberij bereikt kan worden. Maar ondanks de toegenomen interesse zijn zee- wateraquaria in de huiskamers nog zeldzame verschijningen. Waaruit is deze controverse te verklaren? Omdat het zee- wateraquarium omgeven is door een geheimzinnig waas, alsof het iets is, dat alleen is weggelegd voor de keien in deze liefhebberij. Maar heden ten dage is het houden van een zeewateraquarium in de huiskamer geen onmogelijkheid meer. Het is beslist niet zo veel moeilijker dan het houden van een zoetwateraquarium, maar wel anders en daar ligt de kern van de zaak. Kort gezegd komt het hierop neer, dat een zeewateraquarium alleen dan in goede staat gehouden kan worden, wanneer men regelmatig in het kunstmatige watermilieu kan ingrijpen. Maar om in te kunnen grijpen moet men op de hoogte zijn van wat zich in het aquarium afspeelt en kan afspelen. Men moet een min of meer gedegen ondergrond bezitten van onmisbare theoretische kennis. Slechts dan is het mogelijk om met weinig moeite een schitterend zeewateraquarium in de huiskamer te houden.

Pathobiology of Marine and Estuarine Organisms
Pathobiology of Marine and Estuarine Organisms is a comprehensive, up-to-date review of aquatic animal pathobiology covering infectious and non-infectious diseases of vertebrates such as marine mammals and fishes, in addition to diseases of invertebrates such as crustacea, mollusks, and lower phyla.

The Physiology of Fishes
The Physiology of Fishes is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art volume covering most aspects of fish physiology. The book begins with an introduction to the systematics of fishes, followed by two chapters that discuss swimming and buoyancy mechanisms important in movement and maintaining position in the water column. Four chapters are devoted to the inner ear and lateral line, electrosensation, vision, and chemoreception. International contributions from leading experts cover the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and the gill, the control of these systems by the autonomic nervous system, osmoregulation, acid-base regulation, ammonia and urea metabolism and excretion, thermoregulation, endocrine control, and reproduction. The final chapter of the book examines the morphology and physiology of coloration in fishes.
Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment provides thorough, yet concise descriptions of viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic and noninfectious diseases in an exhaustive number of fish species. Now in full color with over 500 images, the book is designed as a comprehensive guide to the identification and treatment of both common and rare problems encountered during the clinical work-up. Diseases are discussed following a systems-based approach to ensure a user-friendly and practical manual for identifying problems.

BSAVA Manual of Ornamental Fish
This book covers all aspects of ornamental fish health including: environmental needs, the aquatic trade, fishkeeping, disease investigation, systematic disorders, infectious and non–infectious diseases, medical and surgical therapies, relevant legislation and health & safety. Although written primarily for veterinarians, this book is an essential reference for anyone involved in professional fish health care and for those working in the ornamental fish industry.

De koi dokter, leidraad voor een gezonde koi
Maarten Lammens, één van de weinige Europese dierenartsen, gespecialiseerd in vissen, brengt 18 jaren praktijkervaring tot leven in één enkel boek. Een boek boordevol, vaak ongekende, informatie en ongetwijfeld straks Uw grote hulp in moeilijke (vijver-) tijden. Als er één werk niet mag ontbreken in Uw hobby-bibliotheek, dan is het dit boek wel! ‘De Nishikigoi-hobby, kortweg ook wel koi-hobby genoemd, is veel meer dan zo maar een hobby. Bij sommige liefhebbers gaat de lief de voor hun troeteldieren zo ver, dat je bijna kan spreken van een aandoening… Vaak ongeneeslijk dan nog!’

Marine biology
A concise work on the fundamentals of marine biological sciences.

Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine
Some of the world's most beautiful, intelligent and highly adapted mammals inhabit our seas and oceans, and have stirred the human imagination for many centuries. As our knowledge of marine mammals grows, the need exists for a reliable and complete reference to the ecology and biology of these fascinating creatures. The Handbook of Marine Mammals series was founded with this in mind and now reaches its conclusion with this sixth and final volume. Within the pages of this classic series, scientists, conservationists and informed layperson alike can find the definitive review of all the world's whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, and related species as well as sea otters and sea cows.Volume 6 covers the remaining dolphins and porpoises in a series of 17 chapters, each written by a specialist author with extensive personal research experience of the species. Each chapter provides a description of the species, and includes sections on the aspects of distribution and abundance, anatomy, physiology, behavior, reproduction, parasites and diseases and the impact of human activity on the animal's population and well-being. Numerous maps, photos and drawings illustrate the text.

The Complete Book of Canaries
Shows and identifies different breeds of canaries, provides information on selecting, feeding, breeding, and housing a canary, and includes advice on health care.

Avian Immunology
The science underpinning avian immunology is crucial to understanding basic immunological principles and the exceptional features of the avian immune system, as different strategies birds have adopted can provide important evolutionary insights. This book provides the most complete picture of the avian immune system so far. The world-wide importance of poultry protein for the human diet, the threat of an avian influenza pandemic and heavy reliance on vaccination to protect commercial flocks world-wide demonstrates the need to review the important practical lessons in disease control presented here.

Avian Medicine: Principles and Application
With the increased need for competent avian practitioners and the formation of avian specialty programs worldwide, clinicians as well as academics are required to have a more comprehensive understanding of applied anatomy, physiology, internal medicine, pharmacology, disease management and preventative medicine. Avian Medicine: Principles and Application was developed to provide a definitive reference text that blends the science of health with the art of clinical medicine. By applying the information presented in the book, the competent avian practitioner will be able to effectively provide the highest quality care for his patients and guide the companion bird client or aviculturist in implementing and effective preventative health programme. Less experienced practitioners can learn basic evaluation, support and surgical techniques while developing an expanded understanding of advanced procedures that can be performed by specialists in avian medicine and surgery. Avian Medicine: Principles and Application is the essential reference and the most comprehensive why to, when to and how to guide for companion and aviary bird management, medicine and surgery.

BSAVA Manual of Raptors, Pigeons and Waterfowl
De meeste dierenartsen zullen gevraagd worden om tijdens hun praktijk roofvogels, duiven of watervogels te behandelen. Deze handleiding biedt een beknopte tekst waarmee ze de eersteklas behandeling kunnen bieden die hun cliënten verwachten. Het boek geeft beoefenaars en studenten, en anderen die betrokken zijn bij het houden van deze vogels, een fundamenteel begrip van de problemen die ze waarschijnlijk zullen tegenkomen en hoe ze op de meest geschikte manier kunnen worden aangepakt.

Anatomie und Propädeutik des Geflügels: Lehrbuch und Farbatlas für Studium und Praxis
Duitstalige anatomieatlas specifiek toegespitst op vogels. Geschreven door de auteurs van het bekende König Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals.

Cambridge Encyclopedia of Ornithology
YA-- Chapters in this excellent and comprehensive volume will answer hundreds of reference questions on all aspects of anatomy, flight, daily activities, distribution, migration and navigation, breeding, and conservation. Ornithologists, chiefly from the British Isles, have contributed signed articles that incorporate recent research in this readable and beautiful book. Clearly detailed scientific drawings, charts, or full-color photographs on every spread provide additional information. This is not a field guide for identification. However, it includes a survey of the orders of birds around the world that gives details about the families into which modern birds are divided. Indexes to scientific and common names, a subject index, and a glossary make this title useful for students. A reading list for further study is included. This resource will support biology courses, science projects, and the individual interests of YAs

Diseases of Cage and Aviary Birds
Third edition of an extensive text on pet avian medicine, for veterinarians. Emphasis on techniques and equipment that are common to a veterinarian's practice, de-emphasizing the esoteric. Halftone and color illustrations
Archaeopteryx is in het bezit van edities 1 en 3.

Sturkie's Avian Physiology
1986, 2000
Sturkie's Avian Physiology, Fifth Edition is the classic comprehensive single volume on the physiology of both domestic and wild birds. Thoroughly revised and updated, the book now includes chapters on the physiology of incubation and growth. The chapters on the nervous system and sensory organs have been greatly expanded incorporating many recent advances. Also included are chapters on the physiology of flight, reproduction in both male and female birds, and the immunophysiology of birds. This latest edition, like the earlier editions, is a must for anyone interested in comparative physiology, poultry science, veterinary medicine, and related fields. Once again, this volume establishes the standard for those who need the latest and best information on the physiology of birds.
Archaeopteryx is in het bezit van edities 4 en 5.

Ornithology is a comprehensive introductory text covering a wide scope of topics essential for understanding the field of ornithology. This edition infuses the most current research and a more conceptual approach alongside an evolutionary perspective.

Osmoregulation in Birds
The approach of this treatise is physiological throughout. In the eyes of the author it answers the rhetorical question raised by Maurice B. Visscher at the Physiology Congress in Washington D. C. in 1968: Does physiology exist? What he meant by this question was whether the fields of cellular physiology and physiology of the various organ systems had become so large that physiology as such had vanished. The firm answer is that physiology does indeed exist. Although it is important to study physiological problems at the subcellular level, it is importan- and equally difficult - to study organ regulation at the cellular level, organ interaction, and integration into the whole organism. An account of avian osmoregulation from an integrated point of view is attempted in this book.

Avian Medicine Self Assessment Colour Review
In this Self-Assessment Colour Review, the editors and a group of internationally renowned avian contributors - some in clinical practice, some working in universities - offer practitioners and students an overview of avian medicine and surgery in an easily assimilable form: over 200 cases are presented as integrated questions and colour illustrations followed immediately by detailed explanations designed to educate, not just to test. Covering psittacines, pigeons, game birds, ratites, raptors and waterfowl, the cases appear in random order, just as they would in practice, and cover all the more common avian problems facing veterinarians. The book will be useful as a revision aid in preparation for exams and as a reference in continuing professional development. It will also be a source of much enjoyment to its readers.

Avian Endocrinology
Avian Endocrinology provides a comprehensive review of the current state of research into all aspects relating to hormones in birds, how they respond and adapt to their natural environment, and domestic poultry, aimed at improving commercial production and breeding.
Many of the advances in avian endocrinology have been possible through the development of research tools. Perhaps the most important and recent of these is DNA microarray technology, which makes it possible to identify novel genes underlying endocrine function.

Comparative Avian Nutrition
Their natural beauty, exceptional variety and unique biology make birds (Aves) one of the most fascinating groups of animals. They are also of great importance to humans as food and as experimental subjects that have catalysed significant advances in many areas of biological research.
Central to our ability to maintain and develop these resources is a thorough understanding of avian nutrition. This book presents, uniquely, all aspects of our current knowledge, drawn from such diverse disciplines as physiological ecology, poultry production, zoo biology and biomedical science.
The physical and biochemical processes of digestion, the metabolic functions of nutrients and the diversity of evolutionary adaptations required to accommodate very different foodstuffs are examined in depth. Emphasis is placed on the quantitative nature of nutrition and the practical consequences for the dietary requirements of captive and wild avian populations throughout their life cycle.

Ratite Management, Medicine and Surgery
This volume is intended as a guide to the diagnosis and prevention of infectious diseases and metabolic conditions in commercial ratites. The industry requires a professional and proactive approach to the enhancement of productivity and amelioration of managerial, environmental, and disease-related problems. Included is a comprehensive approach to enhancing ratite productivity through integration of scientific knowledge of nutrition, management, disease control, and therapy. There are contributions by more than 15 experts in specific fields.

Konijnen, Knaagdieren & Fretten
Klein-Konijntje: memoires van een konijnengek
Dit boek vertelt hoe een konijneneigenaresse met vallen en opstaan steeds beter het wezen van een konijn leert begrijpen. Luchtig geschreven maar met een diepe ondergrond. Een boek goed voor een glimlach maar ook voor een traan. Een boek leerzaam is, maar tegelijkertijd herkenning geeft.

Konijnen adopteren en verzorgen
Met het boek ‘Konijnen adopteren en verzorgen’ haal je alle informatie in huis die nodig is om je konijnen een fijn leven te bieden. Van huisvesting tot voeding, van konijnentaal tot koppelen: alles komt aan bod. Dit is het eerste Nederlandstalige boek dat zich specifiek richt op konijnen die uit een opvang komen. Er wordt informatie gegeven over het werk van konijnenopvangen, hoe konijnen daar terecht komen en redenen om te kiezen voor een konijn uit een opvang.
Theorie wordt afgewisseld met anekdotes over konijnen die een grote rol spelen of speelden in het leven van de auteur. Zo is er Trabbel die haar wekte door binkies te maken op haar bed, en Sientje die haar een afscheidskusje gaf een paar minuten voor overlijden. De verhalen en professionele foto’s geven de individuele karakters van de konijnen duidelijk weer.

Konijnen Gezond Houden
Dit boek is geschreven voor iedereen die konijnen verzorgt en geïnteresseerd is in konijnenwelzijn. Een boek dat niet mag ontbreken in de dierenartsenpraktijk, konijnenopvang, dierenambulance of gewoon thuis bij de konijnenverzorger.
Het boek telt 200 pagina's vol met informatie over konijnen met de nadruk op konijnenwelzijn. Een boek voor iedereen die meer wil weten over Gedrag, EHBO, Ziekten en medische zorg.

Mijn Cavia, Mijn Beste Vriend
Met behulp van veel illustraties in kleur en korte teksten wordt uitgelegd hoe je voor je cavia moet zorgen.

Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Addresses the common questions and concerns of the practicing veterinarian who works with small mammals. Serves as a useful reference for veterinary students, technicians, research scientists, pet shop owners, pet owners, and breeders. Because preventive medicine is crucial to small mammal medicine, coverage includes basic biology, husbandry, and routine care of the healthy animal. Also features chapters on disease management, surgery, and radiology.
Archaeopteryx bezit de 1e en 2e edities van dit boek.

Rabbit Production
The book concerns rabbits bred for meat and fur, but also has plenty of information on pet rabbits and show rabbits. Beginning with an introduction to the field of rabbit production around the world and some basic breed and equipment information, further topics then covered include rabbit diseases, feeding, reproduction, behavior, welfare, genetics, showing, rabbit production in developing countries, fur and meat production, slaughter and the marketing of rabbit products.

Textbook of Rabbit Medicine
A comprehensive yet practical handbook on the diagnosis and treatment of the pet rabbit. * Deals specifically with rabbit medicine and surgery * Contains vital information for the effective treatment of animals that may already be in a critical condition

Biology and Diseases of the Ferret
Encyclopedic in scope, it is the only book to focus on the characteristics that make the ferret an important research animal, with detailed information on conditions, procedures, and treatments. Offering basic information on biology, husbandry, clinical medicine, and surgery, as well as unique information on the use of ferrets in biomedical research, Biology and Diseases of the Ferret is an essential resource for investigators using ferrets in the laboratory and for companion animal and comparative medicine veterinarians. The Third Edition adds ten completely new chapters, covering regulatory considerations, black-footed ferret recovery, diseases of the cardiovascular system, viral respiratory disease research, morbillivirus research, genetic engineering, hearing and auditory function, vision and neuroplasticity research, nausea and vomiting research, and lung carcinogenesis research. Additionally, the anesthesia, surgery, and biomethodology chapter has been subdivided into three and thoroughly expanded. The book also highlights the ferret genome project, along with the emerging technology of genetically engineered ferrets, which is of particular importance to the future of the ferret as an animal model in research and will allow the investigation of diseases and their genetic basis in a small, easily maintained, non-rodent species.
Archaeopteryx bezit de 1e en 2e edities van dit boek.

The Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents
The Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents has long been considered a "classic" in veterinary medicine and laboratory animal science. Now in its fourth edition, this essential work remains a practical, easy-access manual that spans the diverse needs of both practitioner and researcher. Drs. Harkness and Wagner have carefully rewritten and extensively updated their practical, trusted resource.
This new edition includes recognized species-specific approach; new illustrations depicting restraint and clinical techniques; new case studies with updated test questions; easy-to-follow icons to direct you to the information you need; broad range of topics for each species - rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rats and mice; and expanded coverage of therapy, diagnosis and treatment.

Flynn's Parasites of Laboratory Animals
Prepared under the auspices of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, this second edition has been thoroughly updated and revised to improve utility and readability. The book is now organized by vertebrate host species, with parasites presented phylogenetically within chapters. Additional highlights of this edition include introductory chapters on modern diagnostic techniques and parasite biology, and a new appendix features a complete drug formulary. The well-presented and extensively illustrated volume addresses all aspects of laboratory animal parasites. Regarded as the most comprehensive and authoritative work available on the topic, this book is an essential reference for veterinary parasitologists, clinicians, students and laboratory animal scientists.